About Me

I'm Student Geography At the University of Chile. My daily interests ranging from music to environmental problems.

Sunday 15 January 2012

My experience on my last field trips

During my  career I have had many outdoor areas, and certainly are an academic in the best learning experience, and it's you who decide to learn or not.

Example.Juncal Glacier 2009.

This month juanary 2012.....my last field trips

The first field of the last three I had was to Alhue community, went to take water samples to laboratory analysis, and determine whether or not contaminated with heavy metals harmful to humans. This field of integrated watershed management, was too extreme since climbed many hills, stop achieving our goal, making it difficult for some classmates for their fitness.
The second area was five days and went to the fourth region. Met in beautiful places, and learned about regional planning in the area. Also FRAY JORGE went to the park, which is a relic of Atypical trees in the area, is incredibly beautiful.
The final field for the Maipo Valley, yesterday was Monday. In this area, we collect information about various areas of local development. This course will enable the land to create a baseline for the community, and propose future planning.

The experience in the areas are always good, despite the problems that may arise, it is important to apply the theoretical knowledge and to address any complications that may arise.
I hope Greetings on another occasion.


  1. Interesting photos Yohann, thanks, I appreciate the effort.

    best regards,


  2. Teacher thanks, for the comment in my the blog ;)
    The field trip actually, is one of the things that I like in my career.
