About Me

I'm Student Geography At the University of Chile. My daily interests ranging from music to environmental problems.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Chilean Beach For me

The topic this week is very fun for me, and I'll talk about the Chilean beach .
Chile as a country with extremely long and limit to the Pacific Ocean, is characterized by many beaches, and different colors of sand, that derives from the minerals belonging to the  "Cordillera de los Andes" , this makes them very distinct from each other and through the same thing too muuch atratctivas for tourists worldwide.
In particular the beaches for me are great, both for its attractive landscape and its waters. And I've had the opportunity to learn muuch throughout Chile.
But far for me is the most beautiful and Totoralillo Moriillos because I do not like crowded places, but rather lonely and quiet, this allows me to get away from the city and share with nature.
The recent past summer for the second time I went to Morrillo, a secluded beach for the Fourth "Coquinbo"region, it was wonderful and very entrtetenido, toys footbol, walk across the sand to bare feet and bathing me, besides that, I shared with my family, eating a rich ¡¡barbeque??


  1. I know Coquimbo and some of his beachs, but I don't have the pleasure of know Totoralillo and Morrillos

  2. You must invite to that beach man !

  3. my friend, my favourite beach also is totoralillo!!! is beatiful true??
